Car of the week blog:
Week 6:
Bud’s is here to report in for week 6 of Car of the Week, a 2010 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT!
This Dodge pick-up came in because of a noise. The customer stated that the noise was coming from the rear differential when they were driving at 35mph. It had been previously diagnosed by a major chain but the customer felt more comfortable having us repair it. Upon inspection by our tech, the truck is in great overall health except for the rear diff! The truck is not brand new so it is rare to only have one recommended service on the inspection sheet filled out by the tech. When they do the complimentary 29 point inspection they test as many areas for wear etc. They rate each item with Green, Yellow or Red for Good, Okay and Needs Repair Immediately. This truck had all green makes besides the rear diff. During inspection our mechanic found that the pinion bearing had failed. This is usually the result of high mileage or improper maintenance. Making sure the fluid is full and clean is essential in vehicle maintenance.
So, our tech removed the rear differential and found that there were metal particles in the fluid. This came from the pinion bearing failing and resulting in metal on metal contact within the unit. We will be replacing the necessary bearings and making sure the fluid is clear and ready to go.
Bud’s recommends that you schedule your oil changes and regular maintenance before leaving the shop at check out. That way you will get friendly reminders from us as to when your service is due and don’t go past your vehicles’ factory recommended service schedule.
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