Posted on 10/10/2017

Why do air filters matter? Hey everybody! Have you ever wondered “why do my air filters matter?” If you have, we’re here to help! Almost all vehicles have two air filters. The Cabin air filter The Engine air filter (also known as the engine filter) The cabin air filter is what filters the air we breathe. So when your car goes through dust or any inclement weather, your cabin air filter is what keeps the outside out. There’s an old saying, “if you don’t change your cabin filter, you ARE your cabin filter!” Picture of a dirty cabin air filter! The engine air filter prevents contaminants from getting into the engine. When the engine filter is not changed it will reduce gas mileage and decrease how well the engine performs. This happens because the engine is not getting enough air flow. For example, having a clogged or dirty engine filter is like trying to run a marathon with a hand covering your mouth. We recommend replacing the engine and ... read more