Posted on 11/12/2014
Bud’s is happy to announce that we are partnering with the US Marine Corps Reserve and Toys-For-Tots this year. It is our first time working together with this program here at the shop even though most of our team donates personally. We are super excited to be a donation location and be able to make a difference in the lives of some local children. Toys For Tots is a national campaign started in 1947. Since then it has grown to be a national campaign with a call to action from the US Marine Corps. They are asking the people of our country to come together and think about how receiving a new toy at Christmas will make a child whose family has fallen on hard times feel. Receiving a shiny new toy for Christmas verses nothing at all as you watch the children around you play with their new things can be a devastating blow. Something as simple as a new toy can mean the world to a child and also lead into the choices they make in the future. If no one ever stepped up to help or do one kind a ... read more