Posted on 8/23/2021

When your car is out of alignment, it may become difficult to control. Your safety — and that of your passengers — can also be a concern. Hitting a pothole, curb, or even a bad bump, can cause your vehicle to become misaligned. Accumulating high mileage, being in an accident, or not keeping your tires balanced properly can also cause alignment issues. 1. Vehicle pulls to the left or right You notice your vehicle is pulling towards the left or right when you are driving straight ahead on the road. Having difficulty in keeping your car between the lines of your driving lane due to it pulling the left or to the right may be the result of an issue with your car's alignment. You may experience anything from a slight tug to a hard jerk. Occasionally, the trouble is found in tires being under-inflated or of the wrong size. 2. Uneven or rapid tire wear You may notice that your tires seem to be wearing unevenly. They can also wear out more rapidly than normal ... read more